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Get Involved!

BWA/BEC parents and teachers!


The BCS Student Voice is a student publication, but we welcome contribution and participation from parents and staff, too! â€‹There are several ways you can get involved with the Student Voice. 


Tell Us about Potential Stories


We student reporters are always looking for interesting BCS news to write about. Let us know about your student's or child's accomplishment or activities, a school event, an interesting part of your class (if you're a teacher), or really anything else that you think would be newsworthy! 


Give Us Ideas and Suggestions


We love feedback and ideas, so feel free to tell us whatever's on your mind! We have a contact form where you can send your thoughts on the newspaper, suggestions for improvement, or any other message!


Submit Student Work​


Whether you're a parent or teacher, if you have some work from students, please submit them to us (provided the student is okay with this). We're always excited to receive new submissions! Our Creative Works, Student Spotlight, and Opinion sections all have submission forms!


Encourage Student Participation​


The BCS Student Voice is all about student participation and interaction, and we want every student to feel like their voice is heard. You can help by letting students know about the Student Voice and encouraging them to read it! If you're a teacher, you can put an announcement in your class. If your student or child loves our publication, encourage him/her to submit some work! 


The Student Press Team has a few openings for students. We're looking for hardworking, creative students with a strong work ethic. If your student or child has these qualities, have him/her look into signing up! Here's a document with more information. 


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